Why you need to get in front of the video camera RIGHT NOW

Season #1

In this podcast, I’m gonna tell you all about being visible on video is going to absolutely change your business...and FAST. I’ll tell you why it’s critical that you push yourself to get in front of that camera on the regular, and I’ll teach you how to do it in a way that feels authentic and effortless. Ok...almost effortless.

So why video? Do I really NEED to create video for my business?

YEP. Yes you do need to create video for your business- and here’s why. One of the major reasons is because it provides an immediate connection with your ideal audience. Think about local businesses! They have the amazing ability to create a quick bond with a customer that could turn them into a customer for life- because they get to have face to face interactions. That’s harder for us online business owners because there’s this pesky computer in the way! So you have to get CREATIVE! You have to find a way to make those connections online. And one of the best ways you can do that is through video. 

Need some stats? 

  • Social media posts with videos have 48% more views
  • 62% of people were more interested in a product after viewing it in a Facebook story

Bottom line- we have to be showing up through video in our business if we want to grow our impact and income, if we want to make connections with our existing audience, and if we want to expand our audience.

Here are my 5 tips for looking like a pro on video without having to be totally put together and perfect!

  1. Set up an area in your house that is strictly for video
  2. Create a hype playlist
  3. Make sure you have an outline
  4. Be aware of the purpose and content of your video
  5. Keep it short and sweet

I’m also sharing my tips for going LIVE. Yes, you can go live! The first time might be a little bit awkward, but it does get easier. (And less sweaty.)

Live video packs some extra oomph for your biz because of that interactive piece. People feel like they’re a part of something- something that’s happening right now! It’s why apps like Periscope were so popular in its day. People love to ask questions, chit chat, and see what’s going on in your world! I have a few extra tips specifically for live video.

So what will you try? Instastories? IGTV? Or will you go live? I’d love to hear what you tried out. Be sure to dm me after this episode @teacherbynaptime and let me know your video goals for this week! Getting visible means getting vulnerable, and that’s what sets you apart. You’ve got this!

I’ll see you back here next week!

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Who knows? Your question might be featured on the next podcast! Can’t wait to connect with you. 

Xo Alissa

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